Luna and Laika are two robotic creatures with expressive, playful behaviour programmed to elicit your attention. As the whimsical creatures chase for your eyes with unique kinematic expressions, the direction of your gaze feeds the dialogue creating a complex system of entanglement within a wondrous environment. While learning from one’s eye behaviour in the environment, our installation aims to expose the subjectivity of vision and perception, finding its constitution in the human as much as the machinic. 

Robotic Art Installation
Custom manufactured steel and aluminum body, custom software, servo motors, electronics, halogen light, microcontroller, eye tracker

Ars Electronica, Out of the Box, 2019 
Barbican Centre, AI More Than Human Innovation Hub, 2019 
Istanbul Airport, Genetic Codes of Design, January-May 2020
Process of designing Leika's unique kinematic motion:
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