The series Life in Our Minds explores humanity’s inclination to perceive sentience in entities, regardless of whether they are truly alive. Through an evolving process of experimentation, Random International generates various "breeds" of digital organisms, each with unique qualities and behaviors.
In Motherflock, Random International presents a swarm of paper-like forms, with each small cluster representing an NFT. Minted by Pace Verso in partnership with Snark Art, these digital assets were algorithmically generated after their purchase and belong to private owners around the globe.
While individually owned, these NFTs collectively form an interactive sculpture that bridges the digital and physical realms, pioneering a new approach to communal ownership of public art. Motherflock invites visitors to immerse themselves within the flock, engaging in physical interaction with a seemingly sentient collective intelligence. Your presence casts a digital shadow, triggering real-time responses and creating an interplay between the physical and virtual worlds.

Design: Irem Bugdayci
Software Development & Creative Coding: Pierre Tardif
Courtesy: Daniel Krivoruchko, Snark Art, Pace Gallery & Pace Verso
Sound: Masahiro Hiramoto
By: Random International

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